Product design definition
Designing a new product goes through an analytical process and relies on a problem-solving approach to improve the quality of life of the end user and his or her interaction with the environment. It is about problem-solving, about visualizing the needs of the user and bringing a solution.
Product designers also work with other professionals such as engineers and marketers. While not in charge of designing the purely mechanical and technological aspects of the product, they are however concerned with usability.
Product design has many fields of application: medical devices, tableware, jewelry, sports and leisure, food preservation appliances, furniture, etc.
It takes into consideration also the production cost, the manufacturing processes and the regulations.
Product design process
The design process is divided into many different phases, which include various form of sketching and prototyping. However, sometimes the idea starts from a problem people may experience, and designing a solution to solve it. It is about establishing a link between the user and the environment, using an object to address a need.
Product designers then give life to their ideas through sketching and drawing. They can also use 3D and computer-aided industrial design software. Also, to fully experience and test the item they envision, designers will craft prototypes.
Product design examples
There are of course infamous product design examples such as the Coca-Cola bottle, the IPod, or the Vespa. Aside from those, one can find many other innovative examples such as the Dyson Pure Cool Link, an air purifier, winner of the 2016 reddote Award.
Strate’s students made interesting product design projects as part of their curriculum. Students from the 3rd Year Product Design Major created smart and innovative product design such as phones and chair designs.
More information about other types of design: