
Alexandre Monnin - MSc Strategy & Design for Anthropocene

Mitja Behnke's In Europe project, class of 2019

Jordan Aman

Headhunt Postgraduate Virtual Exhibition
Strate will also be participating in Postgraduate Virtual Fair - 16th May 2020. From 11am to 6PM.
For more details of the Postgraduate Virtual Masterclass Fair - Please visit https://postgrad.com.sg/postgraduate-virtual-masterclass-f…/
To register your participation and meet us online, visit (https://tinyurl.com/ya7q7275)
Learn more about the latest insights on innovation and life-changing Master program from our Dean; Jacques Malz.

Master in Design for Smart Cities project - M.E.R.I.S
MERIS is an ecosystem of robots that are designed to work underwater.

Master in Design for Smart Cities - To Believe is to Feel
An urban installation with 1 purpose:
Sensibilizing the citizens of Paris towards themselves, each other and their city.

Master in Design for Smart Cities project: CITAVIS
Design in the public sector is activism, and CITAVIS will provide the supporting structure for collaborative change.

Master in Design for Smart Cities project: ADDAA
With rapid growth of population in urban areas of developing countries like India, there is very little preference given to the needs of the younger population.
Singapore Campus - info sessions and webinars
Thinking of right path for your future? Upgrading skills
Get the Insights from the Life-Changing, Asia Premiere Master in Design for Smart Cities.
Join us for the breath-taking webinars and info sessions.

Strate Conference: Designers, get the proper IP protection!
The conference offered insights on getting the right Protection for your business’s Intangible Assets (IAs) and Intellectual Property (IP), covering
different geographical markets and levels of protection for Industrial Designs. The conference also included case studies (China, etc) and practical information in handling infringement/ litigation matters. Lastly, the event ended by a Q&A session.

Design Workshop for Public Service
Innovation by Design Training Day at Strate. With stellar participants from Public Service Division, Prime Minister's Office (PMO), Govtech, WSG. Unframed and deployable solutions. Congrats!

Design for Creative[s] Workshop
Design for the Creative[s] Workshop
with #WhyBD, leading Design Agency. Amazing outcomes. Congrats #empower #creativeDesign

Strate Conference: Designers, get the proper IP protection!
Designing products, services, drawings, fashion or jewelry? How to protect your creative works ? Join and Hear what the Expert has to say.
Interested in the event? Sign up here

Nov'19 Events Post - PRIX Design & Science
Did you know that Singapore has set a national 30% goal for home-grown food by 2030?
On November 11, 2019, Strate Singapore welcomed a group of students during their Singapore field observation trip. It was a great occasion to share and exchange insights on Singapore sociological traits.
The students are from different institutions (ENS Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, Strate School of Design Paris, Télécom and ENSTA, ParisTech schools) and are participating to the Design&Science Prize (https://tinyurl.com/vlwufmv)
The 2020 edition is supported by the Economic Development Board (EDB) and offers students the opportunity to join forces and look for innovative ideas and technology by combining human-centric design and science to benefit Agritech hubs in both Asia and Europe.
Teams of students have 5 months to co-create innovative solutions in the field of urban agriculture.
All the best to the participating teams!
The Prix Design & Science – Université Paris-Saclay is a contest that has been bringing design students and engineering students together to develop innovative projects on an annual theme since 2016.

Intercultural AI Conference
Strate School of Design Singapore co-partnered the first Intercultural Artificial Intelligence Conference, an unframed approach to AI
The Global Future of Work, Innovation, and Citizenship
In association with HumanIn, UNESCO, Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme and ESSEC Asia-Pacific
The event took place on 31st of October 2019
Some of the keynotes embraced on that day:
- From Complexity to Simplicity: Making Sense of Diversity in the Digital Age
- The Loss of Innocence: Cultural Anthropology in the Age of Machine Intelligence
- Encoding Culture and Dealing with Diversity and Difference in the Age of Machine Learning

A partnership Strate Singapore / Immersion S.A. (France)
Immersion S.A, the French pioneer and European leader in virtual reality, augmented reality and collaborative solutions , signed a long-term partnership agreement with Strate Singapore.
On the menu: Immersive Designers lecturing in Singapore, Design projects performed by Strate students, Immersion S.A. equipment and solutions (Shariiing collaborative tools. 3D VR platform) showcased on Strate Singapore campus, and more!
Coming up: innovative solutions leveraging on 3D VR/AR expertise by Immersion.
Welcome to 2nd intake, Master in Design for Smart Cities
On October 14th, State Singapore greeted its 2nd intake in 2019. Students were rapidly immersed into a breathtaking Design Workshop in partnership with People's Association, a Statutory Board of the Singapore Government.
Welcome to the game changers for Smart Cities Experiences.

A Rural China Design Challenge
Every year, The Lucitopia Rural Design Challenge (LRDC) gathers young students teams from around the globe...
Strate, exhibitor at PostGraduate Fair!
Strate Singapore will be participating at the largest Postgraduate Education Fair in the region.

3d animation degree - projects
Advantages of a Smart City
Smart cities can be described as cities capable of using information technology to create efficiencies and create sustainability, and improve the quality of life of it’s residents. A smart city is basically a living entity, capable of extraordinary adaptations that we once thought were not possible. This post will be discussing smart cities, including what makes a smart city, it’s benefits, it’s effects on the environment, and what negative effects, if any it might have on it’s citizens and the world as a whole.
Smart Cities in India
Singapore: a Smart Nation
Singapore has made a quantum leap in the last few decades from being a regular country to being one of the most technologically advanced places in the whole world. As the country aged through the decades, it has incorporated technology into everything, essentially making it its major driving engine. From its water distribution to its impact on the environment, it has become a model country in the usefulness of technology.
As the concept of smart cities becomes more mainstream, it is difficult to ignore Singapore. Even before its Prime Minister announced the country’s new direction towards becoming the first Smart Nation, Internet of Things (Iot) technology has permeated the country, preparing it for the change.
More over, this push towards technology can be observerd in othe countries. For instance, India is developping smart cities such as Bhopal and Bhubaneswar.
Smart Nation Initiatives
You’ve heard of smartphones−devices that combine several solutions to the problems of the twenty-first century man into a single intuitive piece of technology small enough to put into your pocket. Now, the prime minister of Singapore, Minister Lee Hsien Loong has introduced an initiative that will make Singapore a Smart Nation. But what is a smart nation? And what exactly does it mean for Singapore and the world at large?
Smart City

UNESCO Creative Cities of Design Public Forum. March 8th 2019.
In this public forum, representatives from UNESCO Creative Cities of Design, including Singapore, will share their efforts in designing for impact in education, public policy, businesses and communication. Participants will be able to engage with these representatives to understand how they are turning to design to add value and grow sustainably in an increasing demanding, complex and fast-changing world.
For more information, click here.

Creating is destroying! March 18th 2019.
"Learn how being creative starts with the destruction of our beliefs".
In this inspiring talk, French designer Dominique Sciamma is back in town and will explain why we are prisoners of our theories of representation and why we should become "mechanic destructive commanders", i.e. inventive individuals freed from the social constraints that undermine our creativity.
Click here to sign up.
Internet of Things Technologies
Iot applications in healthcare
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